All this has really disturbed my friend who claims he would never fall in love again. Although deep down I was on top of the world that our 'single ready to mingle' gang had a new member who would pay for the movie tickets this weekend( yeah I can be really mean sometimes you see),I had to act as if I really felt bad.But all this has actually stirred my neurons out of deep slumber and have made me think..Is Single life a Bane or a Boon..??
5 reasons why I think single life is a boon..!!
1.The money in your wallet now belongs to you.Of course the once in a while parties given to your friends notwithstanding,you now have the freedom of getting the latest Ray-Ban shades or the Tag-Heur watch because you don't have to spend money on your beloved.
2.You don't always have to think about what gifts to be given to your love.Plus even after getting a gift you don't have to think twice whether she will like it or not.'SHE' doesn't exist anymore you see..:)
3.Your mobile phone can now heave a sign of relief.The torture that you have been doing on its keypads sending unnecesary text messages are now a thing of the past.The time saved by not looking at your cell phone expecting a goodnite call can now be utilized for other important things..say reading a book(was it too far fetched?)
4.You can now safely wear the white shirt instead of the blue, eat whatever you want to gain how many pounds you want you look doesn't matter now does it..??
5.Remembering dates is a thing of the past.You dont have to forget dates and then make excuses that despite all efforts you couldn't call to wish(on a birthday,on a first walk in a park anniversary,etc..etc) because the income tax department had seized your cell-phone...!!
5 reasons why I think single life is a bane..!!
2.One very big advantage of not being single is that you suddenly know about every tarrif plan launched by every mobile service and you sure are a better help for your friends than the customer service guy who most of the time seems helpless..
3.At the end of the day,I guess there are few things which if shared with someone special do help you a lot. I mean all single guys would vehementely deny that if you want to share stuffs you have your friends and I 99.99% agree but then someone special is afterall someone special(have I made my point clear..??) No I guess..!!
4.I do not know how many of my friends would actually agree but one thing which I have noticed is once you are commited,your friends stop linking you with every second girl you go and talk to.I have seen this abnormal behaviour where suddenly people start giving you curious glances and later on literally torture you to know the truth.I mean this surely isn't the norm and am sure this is one of the idiotic advantages of being commited but then I have seen such a behaviour.
5.This will be the BAAP of all committed friends believe that what sets apart the committed life is the FEELING OF BEING IN LOVE..What this so called feeling is a question better answered by them but they feel that the feeling is divine..
Ah..frankly speaking this is such a topic which is certainly debatable.I mean all my single friends(single+dumped) believe that Lifes rocking when you are single while those in love feel that'Angoor mile nahin so khatte ho gayein'.This discussion can never come to an ending.I mean you ceratinly can't think about taking sides here.
I guess these lines by Alfred Tennyson sum up my views..